IoT: Finding its feet in a 5G world – Capacity Europe 2020
Increased demand from consumers and enterprises and the availability of more affordable devices, is driving the adoption of 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT). But as 5G rollouts begin in earnest, its impact on IoT will be limited. As IoT truly discovers its position within the telecoms space, with adoption incremental, we speak to experts in this area of its long term value proposition.
About David
David O’Byrne is a mobile communications and IT industry veteran with a track record of developing and delivering seismic changes in how mobile technology is used by businesses and individuals. His career includes leading companies such as Anderson Consulting, Enba, Three, Vodafone, Microsoft, MEF and GSMA, where David has driven innovation in cellular technology and business models across handset design, gaming, content development, tablet computing, banking, health, education and marketing.
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